The Outsiders: At the Feet

In this series we're watching how God responds to those who are viewed as insiders and outsiders. In this message, we look at a woman who by all definitions is an outsider in her culture. She shows up at a banquet put on by an insider, and what unfolds is a remarkable example for all of us as we see how Jesus responds.

We all walk into each day carrying some level of brokenness. In the presence of God, we learn we don't have to pretend.  Desperation is the sweet spot for Jesus to do miracles in your life. In fact, God specializes in taking your past and turning it around to use it for good. There is no sin that is too great that the touch from Jesus Christ cannot extend.

All are welcome to the table. But we don't come on our own terms--it's through repentance. Join us for this message as Pastor Skyler unpacks Luke 7 to show us that mercy always triumphs over judgment.