Undo: Don't Forget God

The Book of Ecclesiastes is Solomon’s attempt to help us set up some guardrails in our life. His goal is to help us get to know God so we see Him for who He really is and remind us that rejecting wisdom and living our lives as if God doesn’t exist is a surefire way to wreck our life. In this message, Pastor Skyler wraps up our Undo series with Solomon's final words in Ecclesiastes 12.

Undo: Don't Isolate Yourself

We live in a culture where we mistake social interaction with genuine, meaningful connection. This increasingly leads to isolation which, for the Christian, makes us more vulnerable to the enemy of our soul.

Despite contemporary research that finds happiness is best predicted by the breadth and depth of one’s social connections, this is not news! Solomon discusses the dangers of isolation in the Book of Ecclesiastes. In this message, Pastor Skyler unpacks the lessons from this lonely king, reminding us that "two are better than one" and that self-sufficiency is pride.

Undo: Don't Let Pleasure Drive You

Have you ever wished that you could undo a mistake that you made? Maybe you said something thoughtless and damaged a relationship, or maybe you got injured doing something stupid? Though life doesn't come with an "undo" button, we can learn from the mistakes of others. In this first message of our "Undo" series from Ecclesiastes, Pastor Skyler looks at King Solomon's warning about being driven by pleasure.

Michael Easton suggests that Ecclesiastes "defends the life of faith in a generous God by pointing to the grimness of the alternative." Join us for this message that lays out the consequences of trying to fill life with things that leave us empty.