Psalm 16

A few weeks ago Pastor Skyler shared a message from Psalm 139. A key message was that God is always with us--there's not a place we can go that leaves us outside of God's awareness. He is always present.

Yet, could it be that, despite our loving Savior always being present, that we too often remain unaware of it in our day-to-day interactions of life? Could it be that a deep, acute awareness of His presence could change how we experience Him each day?

That's the premise of Pastor Joe's message from Psalm 16: God's presence is our everything. God is present, but we were designed to be aware of that presence. His presence is our protection. It's a great treasure. He works in the details and circumstances of life--even when we don't realize it or when people chalk it up to "luck". No, our always present Lord is there, in the whispers of our heart, providing everlasting joy for those who are His followers.